1913 letter dated 20th December from Premier to Secretary of the TFL

1913 letter dated 20th December from Premier to Secretary of the TFL

A transcript of the letter:

93 Charles St.
20th Dec. 1913

The Secretary
Tasmanian Football League

At a meeting called at my request to which you were good enough to appoint representatives, the question of the present football trouble was discussed, and I have now the honour to submit for your favourable consideration, the following suggestions for the guidance of the League and Association fixtures in the future.

1. The N.T.F.A to affiliate with the T.F.L.
2. The N.T.F.A. to have the right to make direct arrangements with Mainland Clubs as to visits of the latter to Launceston.
3. The State Premiership Matches to be under the control of the T.F.L. and N.T.F.A. and financial arrangements to be the same as in the case of North v South Matches.
4. Independent Umpires to be engaged from Victoria for North v South matches and State Premiership Matches, the cost of same to be borne by the T.F.L. when such matches are played at Hobart and the N.T.F.A. when such matches are played at Launceston.

Trusting that these will prove satisfactory to you.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient servant,
(Sgd) A.E. Solomon.  Premier

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