1914 Copy of Minutes – letter dated 30th May re: North v South trouble – State Premiership and Launceston Football Club
1914 Copy of Minutes – letter dated 30th May re North v South trouble – State Premiership and Launceston Football Club
Transcript of Copy of Minutes:
Mr Simpson reported that in company with Mr Gill, he had that morning casually met Mr Shields the Chairman of the Northern Assoc. when a suggestion was made for an informal chat. Mr Shields explained that he had unlimited powers to settle the dispute and after considerable discussion it was arranged that Mr Shields express regret on behalf of the Launceston Association and Launceston Club and the Chairman of the League to express regret at the occurrence. The matter to be left in the hands of the Chairman and if the League were satisfied with their decision the disqualification of the Launceston Club to be then removed.
The Chairman was given full power to act on behalf of the League.
Mr Shields was admitted and Mr Simpson formally explained that Mr Shields had come along with the view to arranging a satisfactory settlement of the North v South trouble.
Mr Shields explained the position from the N.T.F. Associationʻs point of view and went on to say he had full power to arrange a settlement.
The Chairman and Mr Shields retired from the room and on returning the Chairman reported having come to an amicable settlement Mr Shields having expressed regret on behalf of the Launceston Assoc. and the Launceston Club and the Chairman expressed regret at the occurrence. Mr Shields endorsed the Chairmanʻs remarks.
It was then decided on the motion of Mr Simpson, seconded by Mr Molloy after the statement made by the two Chairmen that they had mutually agreed to a settlement, “that the disqualification of the Launceston Club be forthwith removed”