1975 Glenorchy v North Launceston (State Final)

1975 Tasmanian State Final Glenorchy v North Launceston at North Hobart oval

1975 Glenorchy v North Launceston (State Final)

Game description

1975 Tasmanian State Final Glenorchy v North Launceston at North Hobart oval


1975 Tasmanian State Final - Glenorchy v North Launceston at North Hobart Oval
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Match Preview: 27th September 1975

The magpies should wipe from their minds any idea of the home ground giving them a four goal start and NTFA standards being lower than TFL’s.

But they must remember that Peter Hudson’s presence at the goal-front gives them a handy psychological edge over the Robins.

North’s captain – coach Peter Daniel has played against and with Hudson and believes he knows how to counter him. Most opposing TFL coaches thought the same way when Hudson came back – and were proved wrong.

Neil Maynard will have the job of keeping Hudson quiet. Maynard was not impressive when he played full-back in the North-South game earlier in the season.

The Magpies must not allow Peter Daniel to get on top across the half-forward line. He is a devastating kick and strong mark. Trevor Sprigg has the ability to nullify Daniel but he must tag him everywhere.

The same applies to Bruce Neish, who will have the task of stopping elusive Glenorchy half-forward Geoff Graham. Neish is a rugged economical defender who could give Graham a few worries.
Both centre lines are very fast, Gary Linton opposes ex-Magpie Richard Spencer, whose play has improved a great deal in the NTFA.

I think Rodney Eade will take on aggressive Tony Pickett who was also has improved out of sight since a season with North Hobart a couple of years back.

Don Holland might have too much experience for all-rounder Phil Sellers on the other wing.
Peter Warren and Rodney Loone are both strong half-backs but Mick Emery and Brian Wilkinson might have too much pace for them.

The turning point in the game could be around the packs where Paul Johannesen and Rod Parish should have too much strength for the pacy North pair of Ian Marsh and Ricky Young.
Marsh won the Hec Smith medal for the best and fairest in the NTFA and Young is a good goal sneak.

But Johannesen and Parish rate in the top six rovers in Tasmania on their day and as long as John Pilkington can get his share of taps they will put the ball to good use. Graham Hunnibell, the Robins’ trump ruck is a strong tapper who uses vigor well. Apparently he is a similar type to Pilkington.
Robbie Dykes has found his best form towards season’s end and is moving the ball intelligently into attack. Darryl Sutton will worry the life out of North’s defence if he gets into stride early.
At least 1,000 North Launceston fans are making the trip to Hobart for the game. And this is more than a battle for supremacy by the two clubs. It’s a battle between the North and the South, who have not seen eye to eye over many matters in the past few seasons.

At the risk of being tagged parochial, I’ll tip the Magpies to win by a small margin in a close fierce game. Written by Noel Moore

State Final Review - MAGPIES ‘FLY’ TO VICTORY IN STATE FINAL - written by Noel Moore

Glenorchy, with a nine goal third quarter stampede, came back from the edge of defeat to snatch yesterday’s great State Final from North Launceston’s grip.

Outclassed and down by 35 points five minutes into the third quarter, the Magpies were in a heap of trouble against the confident and classy NTFA Robins.

Then Glenorchy’s previously non-existent teamwork snapped into gear. North stopped as though shot and at the last change the Magpies had flown to a 13-point lead. Glenorchy had the scent of victory.
North kept hammering away, refusing to give up, but the Magpies put their name on the State Pennant 18.24 (132) to 16.12 (106) in one of the classiest and most entertaining State premierships ever played.

Peter Daniel had his Robins tuned at top pitch to take on the Magpies and in the nervous opening minutes of the game there was a good deal of scragging and a couple of minor punch-ups.

Then both sides settled, put on the pressure and felt out respective weaknesses and strengths.

The Magpies were looking for coach Peter Hudson to give them an early breakaway. NWFU umpire Frank Walker was also keeping a close eye on the champion full-forward and twice penalised him when he marked near goal.

North Launceston had a big advantage in the ruck where Graham Hunnibell was out-tapping John Pilkington and making the Glenorchy rovers struggle for kicks.

The Robins took a clear advantage down one wing where Tony Pickett was giving Don Holland the run around.

On the other wing Glenorchy were well on top through Rodney Eade who for four quarters was best on the ground. Eade never gave up trying and any Hawthorn scouts in the crowd must have rubbed their hands with delight at the prospect of him playing for them in the VFL next season.

It was touch and go up to the first change with Glenorchy leading by three points but the Robins teamwork was worrying them.

Rover Ian Marsh was bagging many kicks but not always placing effectively, Pickett was burning on his wing while Bruce Neish and Neil Maynard kept the ball away from Hudson.

Glenorchy struggled to get the ball away from centre bounces and when they did get up forward were forced into error by the tight North defence.

North Launceston’s pace, team play and greater desire for the ball sent them into attack many times.

Trevor Sprigg and Craig Martin tried to hold the Magpie defence together but North’s Glen Simpson and half-forward Harry Frei blitzed the goal front.

Glenorchy had fallen in a hole and there was no semblance of system in their occasional forward moves. North had the ball running for them and their 26-point half-time lead looked good.

Winger Pickett raced in to goal five minutes after play resumed and, three earlier behinds from confident sorties had the Robins on a 35-point lead.

Pilkington began to hit out wide to his rovers, Gry Linton decided Richard Spences had kept him down too long in the centre and spring-heeled Darryl Sutton began to mark every ball that came near him.

WIth Geoff Graham opening up the forward line, the Magpies streamed into attack for four decisive goals – one from Don Holland, two from Hudson and one from 19th man Robbie Stringer.

Simpson and Ricky Young steadied the Robins on a 21-point lead, but the Magpies were far from finished. Hudson goaled again, Graham, Linton and Eade followed suit as North’s system broke down.

Whenever North did try to start an attack they mistakenly put the ball near Sprigg or Sutton, who were marking strongly.

Ron Sellers was strong on the Robins backline but he was now playing a lone hand except for Daniel, as Hudson bagged his fourth and Glenorchy’s ninth goal for the quarter.

Daniel, Frei and Hunnibell tried to hold North together in the last quarter and the gallant Robins responded.

Four straight behinds by the Magpies early in the final quarter gave North hope and they battled to within nine points with eight minutes to play.

But then Glenorchy proved their superior fitness and ability to play out four hard quarters by brushing the North defence aside and finishing very strongly.

Rover Rod Parish put the seal on the match with a snapped goal into tie on and Hudson marked in front of Neil Maynard, the North full-back to take his tally to seven.

Again Hudson proved too good for the opposing defence and it’s only conjecture whether Glenorchy could have won without him.

North Launceston are the second best side in the State and perhaps any other year would have been State premiers.

FOOTNOTE: In the final quarter North had 19 men on the ground. Mick Sellers had run on to replace brother Phillip, who had not left the ground. He was hastily taken off.