1913 letter 3rd June re North / South trouble – 1913 State Premiership

1913 letter 3rd June re North / South trouble – 1913 State Premiership

1913 letter 3rd June re North / South trouble – 1913 State Premiership

Transcript of the letter:

A special meeting of the Committee of the Tasmanian Football League was held yesterday for the purpose of considering the statement with reference to the terms of the settlement of the North & South trouble made by the Chairman of the Northern Tasmanian Football Association (Mr T Shields), at a meeting of his Association on 1st June (Monday) and it was decided that as that statement was incorrect and misleading, and as Mr Shields had since repudiated the actual terms of the settlement, the League should publish a full account of the proceedings as disclosed by the accompanying correspondence and copy of the minutes of the League Meeting held on Saturday night in dealing with the matter.

The reason that these proceedings have not ben already fully published is that the matter was dealt with in Committee at the request of Mr Shields.

In fairness to the Chairman of the Tasmanian Football League (Mr J Watt) it is explained with reference to the paragraph appearing in Mondayʻs “Mercury” in reference to a telephone communication with him by a member of the “Mercury” staff, that Mr Watt informed the “Mercury” Representative that he had nothing further to communicate than had already been furnished and that on being very keenly pressed he admitted that Mr Shields had expressed regret, Mr Watt adding “and I suppose that could be taken as an apology.  The League have endeavoured to carry out the terms of the settlement in the strictest sense, and not disclose more than was furnished to the press by the joint memorandum of Mr Shields and Mr Watt, bu tin face of the repudiation by Mr Shields of what actually took place, and his renunciation of the terms of the settlement the committee feel that in justice to themselves and the public, particulars of what occurred should be published.  It is true that no “apology” was asked for, but expression of regret stipulated for in the resolution was tendered by Mr Shields, and accepted by the League, and the League then considered the whole matter settled.  Mr Shields denial that this is what took place, is absolutely incomprehensible to all of those present who heard him tender this expression of regret, both on behalf of the Launceston Football Club, and the Northern Tasmanian Football Association for both of whom he stated, he had the fullest power to act.  By order of the committee, signed E Weymouth secretary.

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