1926 letter dated 26th July from Cananore FC to TFL re: Umpire H Dwyer.

1926 letter dated 26th July from Cananore FC to TFL re: Umpire H Dwyer.

1926 letter dated 26th July from Cananore FC to TFL re: Umpire H Dwyer.

Transcript of Letter:

26th July 1926

The Secretary
Tasmanian Football League

Dear Sir,

Adverting to the statements made by the Delegate of my club (Mr K Bailey) before a meeting of your Committee on the 12th inst. relative to Umpire H. Dwyer,  I beg to advise you that they were made on behalf of my Club and received full endorsement at a subsequent meeting of my Committee.

I would point out that the remarks were not intended as erroneously implied, as a reflection on the integrity or character of Umpire Dwyer but purely an expression of opinion on behalf of my Club as to his incompetency, and in this respect we justify claim that our Delegate has equal rights with any other member of your Committee to criticise the actions of any League Umpire, as has often been the case in the past.

For the information of the Secretary of the Southern Tasmanian Football Umpiresʻ Association regarding an explanation of the word “Deal”, I would point out that had he referred to any recognised standard Dictionary he would have ascertained that it means “a part or portion, a share”, consequently an indefinite quantity and in using this expression our Delegate aptly expressed my Clubʻs opinion that the Cananore Players do not receive their due proportion or share of penalties owing to Mr Dwyerʻs inability to umpire.

From the above it will be evident that Mr Bailey has nothing whatever to withdraw as his remarks were perfectly revelent.

Yours faithfully,
Norman R Ikin
Hon. Secretary of C.F.C





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